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Programming Concepts Using C Language

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Problem Solving Tools ⇗

  • Algorithms: Definition ☆ Flowcharts: Symbols → A sequential flowchart → Conditional and iterative flow chart. ☆ Control Flow Statements: Sequential → Selection – If- else → Switch-Case ☆ Iteration ☆ Program Design Methodologies: Top-down and bottom-up design approaches → Modular approach History ☆ Importance of C☆ Structure of C program☆ Data Types ☆ primitive type and user defined type: typedef and enum ☆ Variables and Constants ☆ String Constant ☆ Numeric Constant ☆ Declaration of variables Modifiers ☆ Identifiers and keywords ☆ Symbolic constants ☆ Statements & Expressions.


C programming basics ⇗

  • History ☆ Importance of C☆ Structure of C program☆ Data Types ☆ primitive type and user defined type: typedef and enum ☆ Variables and Constants ☆ String Constant ☆ Numeric Constant ☆ Declaration of variables Modifiers ☆ Identifiers and keywords ☆ Symbolic constants ☆ Statements & Expressions.


Operators and Expressions ⇗

  • Unary operators ☆ Arithmetic & logical operators ☆ Bit wise operators ☆ Assignment operators ☆ Conditional operator ☆ precedence and order of evaluation ☆ Basic Input - Output Statements ☆ formatted & unformatted input and output statements ☆ Storage classes: automatic → external → register and static ☆ Decision Making ☆ Branching and Looping Decision making with → if statement → The switch statement → the ?: operator → goto statement ☆ Loops: while → do while → for → Break and continue statements.


Arrays + String ⇗

  • One-dimensional Array → Declaration of one-dimensional Arrays → Initialization of one-dimensional Arrays
  • Two-dimensional Array → Initializing Two-dimensional Arrays
  • String → Declaring → Writing strings to screen and reading strings from Terminal → String handling functions.


Functions ⇗

  • Definition ☆ User Defined function ☆ library function ☆ function calls : by reference and by value ☆ Category of functions : Nesting of functions ☆ Recursion ☆ Passing arrays to functions ☆ passing strings to functions ☆ Preprocessor directives ☆ Macros ☆macro vs function and conditional compilation ☆ variable number of arguments ☆ command line arguments.